オーナー証書が来ました。I've got a certification!

 Saturday, Dec. 1. 2012
 来ました! 先日、出資 ≒ 寄付≒ カキの予約? 
   I got the certification of a part of owner of oyster culture.
イメージ 1
   I donated some money to a man. The man is Mr. Komatsu, who is going to    make the oyster culture revive from The West Japan earthquake disaster.
   I pay respect to his activity.
   He announced he required funds to reconstruct his oyster culture job.
   I knew it in a newspaper the other day.
   I think it’s a form of volunteer, not investment.
   But after he succeeds, he is to send me 20 oysters one time.
 2年後? 3年後? に送られてくるカキが楽しみです。
   I’m looking forward to eat his oysters! 
   I'm praying for his success.
   See you!